How to seduce the man who attracts you?

You are looking for a way to seduce the man you like. There are certain rules to follow to get to your end.

The first is not to be too addicted. Indeed, if you are already drooling with love in front of him, he will take you for granted. You will then become his second choice or his hobby when he is bored, but under no circumstances will you become his wife.

According to Paris elite escort ladies from Cipriani Models, the seduction phase takes time. You have to reveal yourself little by little. There is no point in instantly telling him your whole life and your facets. You must keep a part of the mystery or you will tire him out.

He needs to see you as someone who can bring positive things to him in his daily life. Little by little, show him the extent of your skills.

To seduce him permanently, you must alternate hot and cold. You don't have to stick him, the lack should set in when you don't speak to him for several days.

Another advise of the Cipriani Models luxury Paris escorts is to do not put any pressure on him about a possible engagement. The point is for him to be happy with you, not for him to propose to you.

Don't put it on a pedestal either. He has flaws like everyone else and you need to be aware of them.


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